October is around the world the month dedicated to breast cancer awareness,
this includes the perpetual remembrance of those women and men who have lost
the battle and the unison shout for a cure that would prevent to our friends,
mothers, daughters, granddaughters, nieces or any person to suffer by this or
any other form of cancer.
All human beings have the likelihood of being diagnosed with any form of cancer at any age, although 77% of cases occur in people over the age of 54, this you can present from childhood, even a fetus may develop malignant cells. Statistics indicate that one of every two men and one in three women will get cancer at some point in their life, but it is estimated that 14% of the time the cancer is preventable.
World Health Organization estimated that by the year 2030 worldwide will be
per year could be 27 million of new cases with a mortality rate of 17 million.
The number of cases is currently 12 million cases reported and 7.6 million will
die, some organizations estimate that cancer causes one of every eight deaths
worldwide, with a greater rate of mortality than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria
Cancer is caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of cells and it is
defined as a cell that has lost its
normal control mechanisms and acquires
beyond normal limits uncontrolled growth. Cancer is not a disease but a
group of diseases caused by physical, chemical, or biological agents which
produce the body begins to generate malignant cells. All have an
uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, which fought its own development,
leading to the formation of a tumor that extends and propagated as a common
Cancer cells develop from a single normal cell that undergoes the sum of
multiple mutations in a complex process called transformation.
The first step in the transformation occurs when it is a cell begins the process of initiation, where a change in the genetic material of the cell prepares to become cancerous.
The first step in the transformation occurs when it is a cell begins the process of initiation, where a change in the genetic material of the cell prepares to become cancerous.
This change is caused by a known carcinogen, which may be a
chemical, a virus, radiation, or sunlight. However, not all cells are equally
susceptible to carcinogens. It may also occur due to a genetic alteration in
the cell or other agent, known as promoter. Cells without a division
order, misinterpret their own signals were detected in this sense. It has
discovered that even a chronic physical irritation, can increase the ability of
cells to become cancerous.
The next step is the promotion and in this step a cell which has started a
change and becomes cancerous, however, the promotion has no effect on the cells
that have not been subjected to the process of initiation, in this way, several
factors are required for to start the process, often the combination of a
susceptible cell and a carcinogen never occurs, and in other cases, just need
this to cause cancer.
Once a group of cells expands, press to adjacent tissue, which produces a
chemical signal that stops the division, but malignant cells ignore all
messages, and in a healthy cell this
genetic damage sends an alert message level where critical it overflows and
these activates a program that indicates the cellular suicide, but sometimes
the immune system fails to sort the self-destruction of these cells, so
continue their way. A cancerous cell requires of oxygen and nutrients to
survive and it will find this by blood vessels which will seek to continue the
Healthy cells cannot be split more than 70 times, but the malignant require
more divisions to produce tumors, so work with systems such as Telomeres that
are at the end of chromosomes that lets you exceed the limit reproductive. Once
they succeed in breaking the system, they are able to expand beyond the tissue
that gave them room and populate other bodies that eventually, if it is not
stopped, can interfere with the functioning of vital organs.
This process is marked by natural selection, and is what makes it so
difficult to cancer as a disease, since unlike other diseases caused by viruses
or bacteria, which can be found sophisticated ways of attacking the human body,
the cancer damages own cells that fight without control who nourishes them, and
although the evolution has provided the human being of means of defense against
cancer, our body has not succeeded in eliminating all forms of attack.
The problem is that each cell
that divides runs the risk of becoming a cancerous cell, but it requires multiple mutations, which over time tend
to produce chromosomal aberrations, which are generated either by successive replication
cycles or external factors inducing carcinogenesis (chemical, physical or
biological); thus, where there is damage specifically in the sequence of tumor
suppressor genes, which are responsible for regulating the cell cycle and
programmed cell death known as apoptosis.
This cell death is comparable to a suicide, in order to preserve the cellular integrity of the fabric while retaining only healthy cells in the same. However if at the end of the division, DNA also undergoes changes and these variations in the genetic material of cells are often difficult to detect, except with current techniques which can detect a change in the size or shape of a particular chromosome which can indicate a certain type of cancer.
This cell death is comparable to a suicide, in order to preserve the cellular integrity of the fabric while retaining only healthy cells in the same. However if at the end of the division, DNA also undergoes changes and these variations in the genetic material of cells are often difficult to detect, except with current techniques which can detect a change in the size or shape of a particular chromosome which can indicate a certain type of cancer.
Technically any cell in the human body is susceptible to lose control, but
statistically, there are some more delicate than other tissues, for example,
the heart is a very immune tissue, one explanation is that heart cells are
limited to the blood pumping and are not divided as frequently as the cells of
the lungs, skin, mouth, or bones.
Depending on the country, the statistics vary on the types of cancer that
can occur in a specific population, but lung, colon, prostate and breast cancer
are the most common. While in the case of children, leukemias, tumors of the
central nervous system, retinoblastoma, and cancer in the bones are more
frequent. This is the reason this kind of cancer have more treatments and
better prognosis of survival if they are detected on time. But prevention is
the best cure for diseases.
In the specific case of breast cancer, various risk factors can combine,
some can be modified, and others not, the factors include:
-Age: Chances of having a breast cancer increase after age 40,
although this factor has been in recent years that it can be altered, as are
women between 20 and 40 years with a positive diagnosis of breast cancer.
-Gene: there are two major genes that are inherited from generation to
generation, BRCA1 and BRCA2, which greatly increases the risk. Women who have a
family history of breast or ovarian cancer should have closer medical
Here you should also now that there are chromosomal alterations that occur due to
causes not inherited, as it is the case of the oncogene HER2/neu. Oncogenes are
responsible for the transformation of a normal cell in a malignancy that is
capable of developing a certain type of cancer.
-Other genetic changes that increase the risk of breast cancer include gene
mutations (Cowden syndrome) PTEN, STK11 (Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome Syndrome) and
CDH1 (cadherin-E), but still need much research in this regard.
-Personal factors: factors associated with female hormones and a greater
frequency of breast cancer include earliness in sexual maturity (before age
12), menopause that occurs after 50 years old, not to have children and the
first pregnancy to term achieved after 30 or 35 years. On the other hand, if the first menstruation
occurs after age 12, menopause is before age 50, or the first pregnancy occurs
before the age of 10-20 follows the first menstrual period, the risk of breast
cancer is lower
-Other risk is exogenous estrogen, which are especially used in the
therapy of hormone replacement with genetic predisposition, and contraceptives
are the heavier elements in the occurrence of breast cancer.
-Hormone therapy: many women take
this type of therapy to reduce the symptoms of menopause, but you have higher
risk of breast cancer if you have received hormone therapy for a few years.
-Environmental factors: it has
found that smoking an consumption of alcohol increases the risk.
Other factors:
-Delivery: A woman who have never had children or who had babies
after age 30 has an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Become pregnant
more than once or at an early age reduces the risk of developing this type of
-Obesity: This has been associated with breast cancer,
although this link is controversial. The theory is that obese women produce
more estrogen, which can stimulate the development of this cancer.
-Radiation: If you received radiation therapy as a child or
young adult to treat cancer of the chest area, there is a risk, significantly
more than for breast cancer. The younger has been to start radiation, greater
the risk, especially if the radiation was given when women were developing
Thus, the breast self-exam should be part of routine care as well as
brushing your teeth or cut the nails. This simple self-examination, helps
to learn how their breasts normally feel, know the spots, or determine if a
spot grows, so if they encounter a bump or if fluid coming from the nipple is
easy to know if it's something that should be discussed with your doctor.
I read on a website, that there is no evidence of practice these exams
save lives by detecting breast cancer, so if you don't feel comfortable
reviewing moms, don't worry. But in the event you find a lump, a stain or a
strange fluid, consider the time that will elapse from that call your family
doctor, up that it can be diagnosed or ruled out as a malignant growth, and in
the case of breast cancer caused by oncogene HER2, time is precious, in only 4
months, a lump the size of a small pea can grow as much as 10 centimeters and
reach the lymph nodes, jeopardizing life. Why is the care of the body must not
be minimized, but above all, don't feel afraid to see a doctor to rule out
suspicions, remember that this body is yours and no one else may be responsible
for it. Not all lumps that one can find are malignant, they are sometimes
deposits of grease or water that only it is necessary to drain, but his life is
risk if they are not ruled out possibilities in time with medical studies. Prevention
is the key.
Breast self-examination should be consideration of 3-5 days after the onset
of the menstrual period, when your breasts are not as sensitive or less lumpy
due to the hormonal charge.
To carry it out, you lie face up and place your right hand behind your
head. With three fingers in the middle of the left hand should press slowly but
firmly, making small movements to examine the entire right breast. Then, while
sitting or standing, you have to examine the armpit, since breast tissue
extends to this area. Gently press the nipples, verifying if there is drainage
or coloration misses and then repeats the process on the left breast.
Then, standing in front a mirror and with arms to the sides, supported on
the waist, have to look at Moms directly and in the mirror for changes in
texture (skin that looks like peel of Orange, dimpling, creases, dents),
reviewing the shape and contour of skin or depressed nipple. Do the same with
arms raised above the head.
Another good reason to be familiar with the breasts is getting inflammatory
breast cancer, or IBC, for its acronym of Inflammatory Breast Cancer. The IBC
is between 1 and 6 percent of all types of invasive breast cancer, although
this statistic is the United States. Typically, both the women and their
doctors overlooked the IBC, since you can develop without any package and their
symptoms can be mistaken for an infection. If you notice any of the following
changes in their breasts, you must communicate immediately with your doctor to
be sure you get the correct diagnosis:
- Redness, rash, or spots in the breast;
- Persistent itching in the nipple or breast;
- Packages or thickening of the tissues of the breast;
- Stabbing pain or burning sensation in the breast;
- Temperature high in the breast, such as fever;
- Dimples or ridges in the breast;
- Flattening or retraction of the nipple;
- Discharge from the nipple or a change in the aureola (the pigmented around the nipple area);
- Inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the arm or on the clavicle.
Many of these symptoms may be overlooked by a woman who is not familiar
with your body. For this reason, it is important to take the time to
familiarize yourself with every inch of his body and make frequent exams taking
into account not only the packages and all the other symptoms. Remember: no one
knows your body like you, so that you have the better chance of discover
changes in early and save his life.
Alma Dzib Goodin
If you want to know a little bit more about my work visit my website: http://www.almadzib.com
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Chávarri-Guerra, Y., Villareal-Garza, C., Liedke, P., Knaul, F., Mohar, A., Finkelstein, DM., and Gross, PE. (2012) Breast cancer in Mexico: a growing challenge to health and health system. The Lancet Oncology. 3 (8) e335-e343.
Robson, M., and Offit, K. (2007) Clinical practice. Management of an inherited predisposition to breast cancer. N Engl. J. Med. 357 (2) 154-162.
Khatcheressian, JL., Wolff, AC., Smith, TJ., Grunfeld, E., Muss, HB., Vogel, VG, et al. (2006) American Society of Clinical Oncology: Update of the breast cancer follow up and management guidelines in the adjuvant setting. J Clin Oncol. 24 (31) 5091-5097.
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Philadelphia. USA.
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